
Class 33 Summary:

and :

Why is the Context API useful?

Can a component outside of a provider get its context?

What are some common use cases for using the Context API?

Describe “Context Hell”?

Document the following Vocabulary Terms :

global state a set of local states which are all concurrent with each other. … A global state in the time domain is also a global state in the causal domain
global context This is context that affects the entire application, and it will share data to everything in the React component tree.
provider The context provider accepts a value that will be passed to its children. All children components will re-render when the value changes.
consumer This is a React component that subscribes to context changes in value of the Provider.

What is Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)?


Some of the designations in an RBAC tool can include:

  1. Management role scope : it limits what objects the role group is allowed to manage.
  2. Management role group : you can add and remove members.
  3. Management role : these are the types of tasks that can be performed by a specific role group.
  4. Management role assignment : this links a role to a role group.


  1. Reducing administrative work and IT support
  2. Maximizing operational efficiency
  3. Improving compliance

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