Class 14-a Summary
- Transforme property contains techniques to size, position and change elements .
- Transform property has two different settings : 2-dimensional & 3-dimensional.
- Transform syntax including transform property followed by the value.the value specifies transform type followed by the amount inside parentheses.
- 2-dimensional transforms work on the x and y axes (horizontal and vertical axes)
- 3-dimensional transforms work on x, y and z axis.(length, width and depth).
- we can use multiple transforms at once, rotating and scaling the size of an element at the same time.
- To combine transforms, list the transform values within transform property one after the other without commas.
Transition and Animations:
- the ways for determining styles for different states using: (:hover,:focus,:active and :target) pseudo-classes.
- Transition Properties:
- transition-property (not all properties may be transitioned, only properties that have an identifiable halfway point).
- transition-duration (The duration in which a transition takes place).
- transition-timing-function (used to set the speed in which a transition will move).
- transition-delay (The delay sets a time value, seconds or milliseconds, that determines how long a transition should be stalled before executing).
- example:
- when more control is rquired, use animations.
- Animations Keyframes:
use Animation keyFrames to set multiple points at which an element should undergo a transition. KeyFrames includes the animation name, any animation breakpoints, and the properties intended to be animated.
- Animation Name (the animation-name property is used with the animation name, identified from the @keyframes rule, as the property value).
- Animation Duration, Timing Function, & Delay
- Animation Iteration(an animation repeat itself numerous times the animation-iteration-count property may be used).
- Animation Direction (declare the direction an animation).
- all information taken from the site.
Sukina AbuHammad