Class 13 Summary:
- Cookies were invented early in the web’s history to be used for presistent local storage of small amount of data . But the negative aspects are:
- Cookies included with every HTTP request : slowly down the web application by transmitting the same data over needlessly.
- Cookies included with every HTTP request :sending data unencrypted over the internet.
- Cookies limited at about 4 KB data, this slow the application.
- We need :
- a lot of storage space.
- on the client.
- isn’t transmitted to server.
Breif History Of Local Storage:
Microsoft invented DHTML Brhaviors , one of them is (userData) which allws web pages to store up to 64 KB of data per domain.
In 2002 Adobe introduced Flash 6 (Flash cookies) to store up to 100 KB of data per domain.
In 2007 Google launched Gears which can store unlimited amounts of data per domain in SQL database tables.
HTML5 Storage:
It’s a way for web pages to store named key/value pairs locally, within the client web browser.
From Java Script code , we will access HTML5 storage through the local storage object on the global window object.
Using HTML5 Storage:
- With web storage, web applications can store data locally within the user’s browser.
- HTML5 Storage is based on named key/value pairs.
- We will need to use functions like: parseInt() , parseFloat() , Calling getItem() , setItem()
- example:
Tracking Changes To HTML5 Storage Area:
HTML Web Storage Objects:
- HTML provides two objects for storing data :
- Windows.localStorage (stores data with no expiration date)
- windows.sessionStorage (stores data for one session)
** this information from web
Sukina AbuHammad