
Class 10 Summary:

Error Handling & Debugging:

Order Of Excution:

The Stack:

Tow phases of activity when enter a new execution context:

  1. Prepare (new scope created, variable and functions created, the value of this keyword determined).
  2. Execute (assign values to variables,run functions code,Execute Statements).
    • The error when generated it throws an exception.interpreter stops & looks for exception handling code.

Error Objects:

Error Bojects:

Debugging Workflow:

eliminating potential causes of an error.

Workflow Techniques :
  1. Where is the Problem?
  2. What Exactly is the Problem?
Script Errors:
  1. Go back to basics
  2. missed extra characters.
  3. Data type Issues.
If we know that we may get an error, we can handle it gracefully using the (try, catch, finally) statements.

Thank You

Sukina AbuHammad