
Class 09 Summary:


How Forms Work:
Form Structure:
Text and password Input:


Lists, Tables & Forms:

Unordered Lists:
Ordered Lists”
Table Properties:
  1. width
  2. padding
  3. text-transform
  4. letter-spacing, font-size
  5. border-top, border-bottom
  6. text-align
  7. background-color
Web Delevepor Toolbar:
Ul Events:
  1. load
  2. unload
  3. error
  4. resize
  5. scroll
Keyboard Events:
  1. keydown
  2. keyup
  3. keypress
Mouse Events:
  1. click
  2. dblclick
  3. mousedown
  4. mouseup
  5. mousemove
  6. mouseover
  7. mouseout
Event handling Steps:
  1. select the element nodes.
  2. indicate which event will trigger the response.
  3. state the code to run when event occurs.

example: element .onevent = functionName ;

Event Flow:
Events Type:
  1. W3C Dom Events
  2. HTML5 Events
  3. Bom Events
User Interface Event:
Form Events:
  1. Event Trigger(Submit,change)
  2. Focus And Blur
  3. Validation

Thank You

Sukina AbuHammad