Creating Links by using (a) element, between (a) opening tag and closing tag we put any page using href attribute. example:
Organizing Files and Folders in My web Page example:
used to linking pages within our own website example:
using (mailto) in (a) tag
To open links in new window using (target) in (a) tag
Using position tag:
The liquid layou:t uses percentages to specify the width of each box
aim to make your life easier by providing the code for common tasks, such as creating layout grids and styling forms
### Functions In Java Script:
Function is a block of code to perform a particular task
Excuted when we invoked or called it
function is defined with the function word followed by a function name, followed by parentheses ().
Calling a function by function name followed by parentheses()
Some function take and return values
Thank You
Sukina AbuHammad