
Class 02 Summary :


Structural markup:

Elements describe Headings, paragraphs and the structure of The bage.

Headings :
Bold & Italic:
Sup & Sub:
Line Breaks & Horizantal Rules:
Semantic markup:

Provide extra Information to the pages.


Introduction To CSS:

What CSS does?

CSS is Cascading Style Sheet CSS describes how HTML elements are to be displayed on screen

CSS declarations sit inside curly brackets and each is made up of two parts: a property and a value, separated by a colon.

Use External CSS : Using link tag ( Using href, type and rel)

Use Internal CSS : using style tag

CSS selectors:

CSS Selectord

Placing CSS in external file advantages:

  1. all web pages can share the same style sheet.
  2. the site will load faster
  3. HTML code will be easy to read and edit.

Basic JavaScript Introduction:

Statement: instruction or step that a computer can follow one by one.

To explain what code does we write comments using /* */

What Is a Variable?

 containers for storing data values

Variable Types:

  1. String
  2. Numbers
  3. Boolean

declare a JavaScript variable with the var keyword .

declare many variables in one statement:Start the statement with var and separate the variables by ,

Create Array :

var colors; colors= [‘white’, ‘black’, ‘ custom ‘];


Evaluate in a single value (True Or False)



Decision & loops:

Components Of Decision:
  1. An Expresssion which return value
  2. a conditional Statement


Logical Operators:

Logical Operators

IF Statement:


ThanK You Sukina AbuHammad